Top 4 Books On Human Right Issues In The United States

Peter Jason
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Human rights are important for ensuring everyone has basic freedoms and is treated with respect. Human rights problems in the United States have been the subject of many books. But that brought to light some of the wrongs and problems that different disadvantaged groups face. This essay will discuss the top four books on human right issues in the United States. But each one has its point of view and main idea.

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

This book changed how people thought about racial inequality in the United States. The author talks about how the war on drugs and the “tough on crime” policies have hurt Black Americans more than they have helped. Alexander also says that this system of mass imprisonment keeps up the same kind of racism and social control that was around during the Jim Crow era. It is one of the best books to read in 2023 about human right issues in the United States.

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

It shows how the U.S. criminal justice system has built-in flaws and unfairness. But this is especially true in race, poverty, and mental illness. Stevenson tells interesting personal stories about his clients and shows how much the criminal justice system needs to change and be more accountable. These types of books about human right issues in the United States are unique and hard to find nowadays.

No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald

It shows how the U.S. government has a lot of spying programs. However, whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed. The book shows how the government is getting into privacy and civil rights. Furthermore, Greenwald says that the government’s mass surveillance programs go against the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, it poses a major threat to democracy and freedom. These kinds of books about human right issues in the United States help to teach people about these problems.

I Can’t Breathe

This book discusses human rights problems in the United States. However, Black Americans, Native Americans, and LGBTQ+ people are treated there. Other problems include unequal access to health care, schooling, privacy, and civil rights violations. To solve these problems, we need to keep working for fairness, justice, and responsibility in all parts of society. These kinds of books about human right issues in the United States are very important to the growth of society.

Ending Note

Ultimately, these four books are on different human right issues in the United States. But, there are concerns about everything from racism in the criminal justice system to privacy and civil rights. Each book also asks readers to think critically about how human rights are protected and broken in the U.S. Moreover, it sees the pressing need for more accountability and change.

